Well, we have made it! After a long two days of preparing all five of our culinary teams finished our final projects. What were they? A selection of five Asian "tapas" . . . now I know what you're thinking, "Tapas??" Yes, little bites of loveliness, but these aren't tapas aren't Spanish. Each group was assigned a region or Asian style to inspire their selection that will be presented at the At-Sunrice graduation reception.
Photo to left: my team, Team India and our chef behind one of our three stations
Day one was full of prepping. I was assigned to the lamb. Confession: I hate lamb. I try and I try to like it, but the only place I have ever been able to stand it was in Tuscany and that was a miracle! Usually when I eat lamb all I can taste it the barn and that goop under a lamb's leg that I had to scrub off before showing them at the the fair. Ewww! Because of this shortcoming, I can’t cook lamb to the best of it’s potential. I would cover up the taste if I could rather than enhance it. Thankfully, I was able to trade with a teammate and made the chicken and rice balls instead.
As the day progressed we all worked individually and together, helping each other if one needed a piece of equipment or an opinion. And it wasn't just the students, Chef Rishi’s leadership was amazing! He acted not as just a boss or the faculty member, but as a teammate. He worked with us and lead us. When problems arose, like my rice balls needing to stick together better, he listened to our ideas and didn’t just give us answers or poo-poo our ideas. We did end up staying late to be well enough prepared for the next day. I would have been proud of our team even if all our food flopped the next day just because we rocked it at working together.
Day Two: Our group decided that sleeping in was not worth it when it came to our food. As soon as everyone arrived the feeling of urgency and tension shot through the ceiling. Our group members all seemed to be jiving well, but stress and deadlines had groups ready to snap with each other. Luckily nobody made it to that breaking point.
Our food was completed in time and those that had less to do today helped those that had more to do. We also had the help of two students from At-Sunrice. We made light of frying what seemed like a million miniature samosas and tiny rice balls. In the end, we were ready with ample time for the event, we had two items that were a real hit (if not three), and Chef Rishi was proud of us.
Below is a smattering of photos from the event including foods made by other groups. Team India's food photos go diagonally from the top left to the bottom right.

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