The Runaway Cook

A diary of culinary adventures

NOTE TO ALL . . .Take the taxi!

My “new” 4-wheeled suitcase has already broken. Not only have I scraped/melted (yes melted) the two main wheels completely flat from dragging them across these rocky roads, but today the extending handle came flying out of the bag while I was running across the Salerno platform. I then had to cock my bag to this strange angle and push it by the body to get it to move. 
After arriving in Florence and pushing my bag out to the street and across the extremely busy road still hunched over and hugging the bag to get it to wheel on the other two wheels, I stopped. This was enough, I had no idea where my hostel was, the first hostel I planned to stay at ended up treating me horribly over emails and this new one was somewhere down a side street. 
My body is quivering with exhaustion, I haven’t eaten much today and I thing I lost a pound in sweat. This was enough to make me decide to cave and flag down a cab.
The 10 Euros to take me across the busy streets and down the small quiet ones was worth it.
The door to this place, seen left looks old and a little like there should be a man on the other side who tells me something about horses and colors.I’d have never found this place on foot, I barely found it when the cabbie pointed at the wall!
I push the “knob” and some sort of lock clicks. I hobble up and over the stoop and climb into the wall. It’s dark in here once the door shuts, only high windows illuminate this hallway from yonder flights of stairs. Past the second door, made of opaque aged glass and dark dusty wood are those very stairs and a rickety old elevator. The elevator wins. 
Standing inside this 2x4 foot space seems like a bad idea as is slowly takes me up and up. All I can think is how much I just want to sit down and be in a semi-safe spot to do it. Upon arrival to the top floor I open even larger thicker dark doors . . (Oh lord what is this place right!) to reveal an English woman sitting behind a desk with a smile. Rest at last. I can’t wait to take a shower! 

(top photo from


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